Spectrum Aquatics News

KERSPLASH® Challenger in the Media

Written by Lisa M Adams | Aug 25, 2023 1:32:11 PM

KERSPLASH® Challenger Pool CLIMBING Wall has been making a splash in the media

Garnering attention from renowned publications like SwimSwam and Athletic Business, it's clear that the NEW KERSPLASH® Challenger is leading the pack when it comes to pool climbing walls.

Featuring a modular design that can be tailored to fit your budget and vision, the KERSPLASH® Challenger Pool Climbing Wall offers a customizable experience like no other. With its innovative mounting clips that effectively prevent rust, this pool climbing wall is built to last. Not only does it provide the largest climbing surface on the market, but its seamless installation process means that maintenance staff can have Challenger completely installed in just a few hours. 


Enjoy the fun of a KERSPLASH® Challenger Pool Climbing Wall immediately without the hassle of renovations or disruptive construction. It's time to discover KERSPLASH® Challenger for yourself!

“Challenger always has a line. If the pool is open, there is a line of people waiting to climb."

Kendra Martin - Operations and Facilities Manager, Town of Windsor